Past. Present. Future.
Growing up with a musician as a father was a fantastic exposure to the world of music at a very young age. My dad brought me to all of his gigs since the time I could walk, and I was carrying cases and amps by the time I was 8 years old. When I was 11, he bought me my first guitar. I had always been into listening to music, but now I was into creating it.
Years passed and music stayed a large part of my life. I realized I enjoyed playing bass like my dad more than guitar. I got into bands like Rage Against The Machine, Rush, Dream Theater, and Pink Floyd. At the end of highschool, after years in concert band and musical theatre, I wanted to get away from it all.
I decided to arrange an interview at Lasalle College (formerly Art Institute Of Vancouver) with an admissions adviser to apply for the photography program. I went in with my father, and it turned out that the head of Admissions at the time was a massive fan of one of the bands my dad had toured with for years. It was that moment which made me realize that music would always be a part of my life, and that I had been given the opportunity to do something with the musical knowledge I had grown up with. So I said “I’d actually be interested in the Professional Recording Arts program,” and the rest is history.